Long service awards
- Momento
- Certificate
- Engraved citation
- Framed achievement awards
- Serenades – as many days as the years s/he is in the company
- Thank you card
“Recognizing the employee’s loyalty and commitment to the organization helps in adding years of work and bonding to the organization”
Spot awards
- Momentos
- Chocolates
- Certificates
- Mug
- Badge
- Shopping gift card
“Recognizing special contributions, as they occur, for a specific project or task lets employees know that someone has noticed their noteworthy contribution”
Motivating employees
- Customer service posters
- Company values posters
- Mission &vision statement posters
- Appreciation pins
“The truth behind employee motivation is a more complicated mix than just money and includes praise, autonomy, and leadership opportunities!”
Company Annual Day / Formation Day
- Momento with years of company engraved
- T shirt
- Framed collage of achievements of the company
- Prizes for participants and winners of various events
- Paper desktops with values of company
- Flowers
- Tier- cake with # years of company on it
“Annual days are opportunities to take the employees to a resort, acknowledge the outstanding performers for their meritorious services and those who have reached the milestones of 5th, 10th, years of their association with the company and celebrate the same with cultural events and programmes”